Finding yourself involved in a car accident on the road is a challenging situation, especially when you aren’t sure whether or not your insurance will be covering damages. There are a variety of protection options insurance can provide to a driver and understanding each will allow a person to ensure they have the coverage they need for all types of accidents. Learn the ins and outs of insurance so that you can be a more educated driver on the road. What is Car Insurance?For newer drivers, the concept of car insurance may be somewhat confusing. All car insurance acts as is a safeguard for your financial and physical wellbeing while you are out on the road. In return for small monthly payments, car insurance companies will pay for applicable damages to your vehicle or body in the event of an accident or other situations. A basic form of car insurance is required by law around the country, which helps to reduce the financial burden drivers may be faced with when an accident occurs. Car Insurance vs. Car WarrantyOftentimes, people confuse car insurance with car warranty, and attempt to file an insurance claim for something that it does not cover. It’s worth noting that the primary difference between car warranty and car insurance is that car warranty only offers coverage against mechanical breakdowns. This means that if your vehicles engine overheats from everyday use, you can’t file an insurance claim to pay for the replacements. Likewise, you can’t contact your car warranty company to pay for body damages on your car that resulted from an accident. 6 Common Forms of Car InsuranceAs a driver, it’s important to understand that there is more than just one form of car insurance, and not all of the additional types are required. This helps to ensure that regardless of what happens on the road, you will have coverage in one way or another. Specifically, there are six main forms of car insurance that a driver can consider which offer varying degrees of protection:
At-Fault vs. No-Fault Insurance StatesOne special aspect of insurance that exist in the United States is the existence of at-fault and no-fault states. For example, Florida is a no-fault state which means that when you file a claim for a car accident in Florida, you do so with the other person’s insurance company. Additionally, drivers in no-fault states need to have PIP coverage so that medical expenses are covered, regardless of who actually caused the accident.
On the other side of things, an at-fault state is different in that drivers need to have bodily injury coverage in addition to liability coverage. This bodily injury coverage will pay for medical expenses that another person has following an accident that you are deemed at-fault for. The main difference between the two, in summation, is simply who is responsible for having the insurance which pays for medical damages. Regardless of whether you are in an at-fault or no-fault state, however, you will be responsible for paying for vehicle damage that you cause in an accident. Stay protected on the road today Staying protected on the road isn’t always possible, even for the best of drivers. Getting into a car accident with another person, especially when it isn’t your fault, is a frustrating and jarring experience. However, by being certain you have the best insurance protection keeping you covered you can rest easier knowing any damage to your vehicle or body will be covered. If you discover you don’t have enough insurance to meet your needs, don’t hesitate to expand the policy you’re currently on.
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