Of the 35 million adults in the United States who are over the age of 65, approximately 6.5 million suffer from depression. If you have a parent or loved one who is exhibiting signs of depression (feelings of hopelessness, loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy, increased fatigue), it can be hard to know what to do to help them feel more like their old self. These four tips are a great place to start when it comes to caring for a loved one who’s battling depression. 1. Encourage Physical ActivitySeveral studies show that regular physical activity has a major impact on older adults’ happiness and general health. Not only does exercise aid in the production of endorphins, chemicals that minimize pain and promote positive feelings, but it’s also essential for seniors who want to maintain their independence. Seniors who exercise on a regular basis -- specifically those who lift weights and focus on building strength -- are less likely to suffer from falls and fractures that can severely limit their mobility. 2. Encourage Regular Social InteractionRegular social interaction is also important, especially for seniors who live alone. In addition to helping seniors feel happier and more optimistic, some other benefits that come with an active social life include:
There are lots of ways to help seniors get more social time. Arrange for family members to drop by on a regular basis, or encourage them to attend events at a local senior center. 3. Invest in Tools that Promote IndependenceIf they struggle with physical limitations caused by illness or aging, it’s easy for seniors to start to feel depressed and isolated. One way to minimize these feelings is to outfit their home with tools that promote independence and make daily tasks easier. Some tools that many seniors can benefit from include:
4. Seek Professional HelpMany seniors are hesitant to seek out a psychiatrist on their own to treat their depression, but you should still try to encourage your parent or loved one to sit down with a professional and talk about what they’re experiencing.
You may also want to see if they’re willing to let you participate in the appointment with them. Seeing a psychiatrist might be less intimidating if you’re present. You’ll also be familiar with the psychiatrist’s recommendations and can make sure they’re following their advice and taking medications as prescribed. It can be hard to see a parent or loved one struggle with depression. But, fortunately, there are lots of ways that you can help them feel better. Be sure to keep these tips in mind and don’t forget to be on the lookout for early signs of depression.
For some, living alone is a dream come true, with your own space, the relaxing quiet, and a rewarding sense of independence as you age in place. However, in your senior years, your body is not what it used to be, and when there is no one immediately by your side, some additional concerns are bound to come up. Ease your family’s mind (and yours) with these essential tips for seniors who live alone: Your HealthFirst and foremost, you need to ensure that your fitness is still functioning at a reasonable level, no excuses. Thankfully, improving your physical condition can be as simple as getting out of the house and walking around as much as possible. The fresh air will help destress and calm you, the movement will strengthen your muscles and bones to avoid falls, and the outdoor scenery will rejuvenate your spirit and minimize your brooding. Exercise is nothing, however, without a healthy diet to complement it. Stock up on lean protein, colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat alternatives, without forgetting to drink plenty of water. If mobility is a concern for you, look at online services who will deliver groceries to your door, and while you’re at it, ask if there is an option to order your medication too! Your MedicationSpeaking of medication, you should regularly go for health check-ups and speak to your doctor about your prescriptions. Even if you are not experiencing any negative side effects, it is still a good idea to reevaluate their benefits and get a professional’s opinion about other choices on the market. During this conversation, you might want to ask if you can get some additional boxes too, as these can be your safety net if you run out and can’t get to the pharmacy for whatever reason. Without anyone to remind you, it is imperative to have a foolproof system which tracks your medication schedule. Set up a calendar or (for the more tech savvy) install one of the many available smartphone apps which can keep inventory of your medicine for you, alert you when it’s time to take pills, and remind you when refills are due. Your Social LifeOne of the biggest risks that seniors face when living by themselves, is that dark feeling of loneliness, known to aggravate depression, impair physical health, and even deteriorate cognitive performance. Fortunately, there are ways to combat it: go out and see more people! Get to know your neighbors, participate in community activities, make an appearance at local gatherings, and attend classes which focus on your hobbies. For family members, it’s important to frequently check in with your loved ones who live alone. Establish a routine visiting agenda, and use technologies like Skype to make contact when a personal stopover isn’t possible. When you do come around, ask about these isolation troubles and review their current medication situation, but only after you’ve given them a big hug! Your HomeThe best way to deal with a fall is to not have one at all, which is why the home needs to be set up in ways to avoid this common occurrence. Walk through each room and remove any potentially dangerous trip hazards, such as loose rugs, exposed wires, and general clutter. Reorganize furniture until there is a clear path from one end of the house to the other, and confirm that each room is bright enough to see where you’re going. Install hand railings in the bathrooms and up the stairs, use non-slip covering on tiles, and purchase a fall mat to place next to the bed, preventing any potential injuries from falls at night. For additional peace of mind, investigate the security of your house. Are the front door and any other protective gates easy to lock? Does the neighborhood warrant an alarm system? Would a motion-activated light sensor protect against any break-ins? These are only some of the questions which need to be addressed. Finally, spare a thought towards preparing for the worst. If a natural disaster strikes or the power goes out, how will this affect someone without a helping hand? Minimize any severe predicaments by keeping a flashlight next to the bed, a collection of spare batteries in an easy to reach location, and a large reserve bottle of water just in case. And, of course, test those smoke alarms every week! In Case of EmergencyAt the end of the day, accidents are going to happen, which is why there are certain essentials which cannot be overlooked. List all crucial numbers next to the phone for easy access, purchase a wearable alert system to call for help if you’re unable to move, and keep an ID bracelet on your person at all times, detailing any existing conditions to inform emergency professionals when you are unable to.
Did you know that almost 40% of adults over 65 report living with at least one disability? The most common disability among seniors is mobility problems, whether it’s climbing stairs or simply walking. Additional mobility warning signs may include:
If any of those ring true for you, you may want to talk to your doctor about using a supportive mobility aid (if you haven’t already). From canes to walkers, knee scooters, forearm crutches, manual and motorized wheelchairs, mobility aids had made great strides in the past decades in both engineering and design. Rather than serving as a “crutch” on which you must rely to get around, mobility aids are instead meant to serve as a supportive device with empowers you to keep moving, keep exercising, and keep getting out of the house. One of the most dangerous consequences of mobility problems isn’t just your increased risk for injury if you don’t have proper support, but you’re potential social isolation and ensuing inactivity that can rapidly degrade your physical and emotional health. If you have gotten your hands on a top-notch mobility aid to strengthen your movements and keep you active, don’t miss these 5 fun ideas for upgrading it with helpful accessories and style: Wheelchair Bags - make sure you have everything you need with handy, portable bags and pockets that strap right onto the back or side of your wheelchair or walker. Keep personal items like your keys and phone with you at all times, and even carry around your reusable water bottle or the morning paper.
Cushions - if your wheelchair or walker is lacking in the comfort department, it might be time to upgrade to a better seat cushion. Professional-grade memory foam and gel materials have taken wheelchair cushions to the next level, offering better weight distribution to combat pressure ulcers, better alignment for your hips and spine, and more cushioning for long bouts of sitting. Lighting - did you know you can add utility lighting to most mobility aids? Affix specially-designed mounted lighting to a cane, walker, or wheelchair and improve your own visibility (and safety) especially at night without having to hold a flashlight or your smartphone while also maneuvering your mobility aid. Eating tray - looking for easier ways to eat meals? Oftentimes scooting right up to the table in a wheelchair can be difficult depending on the legs and height of the table. Portable tray tables can attach to a variety of mobility aids including wheelchairs and walkers, offering seniors better access to eating their meals with ease no matter where they are. Flare - if mobility issues have you feeling less confident, give your mood a boost by adding some flare and style to your mobility aid. Light-ups casters that fit over your wheelchair or walker wheels add color and light when you’re on the move, and even a fun paint job or colorful tassel or tip for your cane could be a form of self-expression. In addition to these five fun ideas, don’t forget about:
You can find a variety of mobility aid accessories online, in your local big box store, or at your local pharmacy. Meditation is a Mainstream Movement
Padmasree Warrior, the CTO of Cisco Systems, claims meditation is “Almost like a reboot for your brain and your soul,” She also says “It makes me so much calmer when I’m responding to emails later.” Maybe you have tried to meditate at some point, or maybe this is the first article you are reading about it. Regardless of your familiarity with meditation, here are five great benefits of meditation for boomers and retirees just like you. Five Great Benefits of Meditation for Boomers and RetireesThere are many wonderful benefits of practicing meditation in general. However, there are five really great benefits of meditation for boomers and retirees. They are:
Choosing the Type of Meditation That’s Right for You![]() There are many different types of meditation. The only way to know which type of meditation is right for you is to try different types until you find the one you feel works best. There are many organizations and groups that instruct people just like you in meditation techniques. One of these organizations is The Human Radio Educational Research Project. The Human Radio is dedicated to helping its students work on their own evolutionary development through a proprietary, deliberately scaffolded visualization meditation curriculum. This organization works with folks of all cultural, religious, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds promoting human empowerment and compassion both inside of one’s self, as well as with one’s human brothers and sisters near and far alike. They rely on donations and the money they bring in from their services to sustain their global presence. You can learn more about The Human Radio by clicking here. You can also try out their introductory visualization meditation exercise in the comfort and privacy of your home on their website, or on YouTube by clicking here. No matter what person or organization you choose to help you learn meditation, or what type of meditation you find works best to enhance and enrich your life, the mounting body of scientific evidence only keeps bolstering what many people have intuitively known for thousands of years…. that we are all the masters of our own destinies. People who choose to take the reins of their own destinies with the help of meditation are facilitating their own holistic health and happiness above and below, inside and out alike. *Retired Brains and The Human Radio Educational Research Project do not claim meditation of any type can diagnose, treat or cure any illness, disease, ailment or condition. The information contained in this blog article is anecdotal based on the available body of clinical evidence supporting the effectiveness of certain types of meditation. Links to this evidence can be found throughout this article. As with any lifestyle choice you make, be sure to do your own research before beginning or altering your daily routine…. and if need be, to consult a professional in order to help you decide the best course of action for your own life where meditation, or any other prescriptive activity is concerned.
Whether because of a temporary injury, a side effect of an illness, or simply a consequence of aging, many seniors may need to spend a lengthy period of time lying down in a bed. Naturally, anyone would prefer their own house rather than the impersonal atmosphere of a hospital, but this location comes with its own set of unique challenges. If you find a loved one or friend in this position, don’t miss the follow tips for improving their quality of life: 1. Brighten up the Room Spice up your loved one’s room up with beautiful decorations and stimulating imagery to combat boredom and feelings of depression. Display funny posters or photos specifically chosen by your bed-limited patient (think animals, hobbies, family etc), and rotate these pictures regularly. Even more importantly, ensure the room gets as much natural light as possible, and open a window every day if possible. 2. Bring the Outside, Inside Who wouldn’t want to be surrounded by plants and flowers? By inviting the fresh scent of nature into the room, the four surrounding walls will feel much less claustrophobic, and you can even encourage a bit of indoor gardening! Research has even shown that viewing roses inside a room can improve comfort levels and induce relaxation. 3. Entertainment Inactivity and boredom may wreak havoc on your loved one’s mind. In addition to a TV, you can help combat this with puzzles, books, music, or DVDs. Also consider purchasing a tablet device, which will allow your bed-limited friend to play video games, listen to audiobooks, or surf the web during this monotonous downtime. 4. Productivity In the same breath as diverting their attention out of their heads, it would be even more beneficial to encourage the patient to use this bed as a space of creativity, which will help them feel more useful in this frustrating break. Example suggestions include: catching up on writing letters, making a photo album, learning a new language, learning an instrument, knitting, researching a topic they’ve always found fascinating, or perhaps becoming an origami expert. 5. Useful Accessories There are various products you can invest in to make everyone’s life easier. A multi-tasking bed tray can help mealtimes move faster and provide an accessible surface for books or laptops. Extra absorbent underwear or a waterproof bed pad can keep the mattress dry and free of odors. A bed pan is also essential for those who can’t make it to the bathroom, and installing a bed rail will grant certain patients the option to sit up on their own, if applicable. 6. A Healthy Diet This point seems obvious but always speak to the patient’s doctor for nutritional advice first, as certain foods can interfere with some medications. Beyond that, talk to your bed buddy about what they feel like eating, and as long as it’s reasonably healthy, treat them from time to time. Keep a record of every meal, discuss any curious patterns with a professional, and don’t forget the hydration! 7. Hygiene A clean body is a happy body, whilst minimizing the risk of any germs running rampant. Give the patient a good sponging every day using a no-rinse body wash, and change their clothing to keep them fresh and odorless. Brush their teeth as often as you brush yours, trim their fingernails and toenails to stop accidental scratchings or ingrown nail infections, and keep their hair/beard tidy for that warm finishing touch. 8. Watch Out for Bed Sores If the buttocks, legs, or thighs spend too long pressed up against the same surface areas, tissue can break down and form painful ulcers. These are very dangerous, so prevent them by carefully repositioning the patient's body every few hours, whilst checking for any developing sores as you do so, and contacting the appropriate care team members if you do find any. 9. Change the Bedding Often You should be replacing the bedding every 2 - 3 days. This will not only reduce the chance of infection but will also keep the bed smelling nice as a happy place to rest a head. Don’t forget to regularly ask your loved one if the linen is soft enough for them, and ensure that they feel warm throughout the night. 10. Socializing Finally, it is important to remember that everyone needs human contact, which is why you frequent visits or phone conversations are important. Keep topics focused on happy matters whilst inviting friends and family over whenever they get a chance. This is also another reason why you should fill the room with interesting items, as these will allow for easy conversation starters regardless of who has come around.
Regular exercise is just as -- if not more -- important for seniors as it is for younger people. However, many seniors don’t get anywhere near the amount of exercise that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend (150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week plus at least two days of strength training). If you’re struggling to find the right exercise program, you ought to consider yoga. Yoga is a great compliment to other forms of exercise, and it also provides the following health benefits for seniors. 1. Better BalanceFalls are the leading cause of injury for seniors. One in four seniors falls each year, and one dies from fall-related injuries every 19 minutes. To decrease your risk of falls and the injuries that can accompany them, it’s important to work on your balance. Yoga is a great option to do this in a safe group environment. You can even look for yoga classes that are specifically designed for seniors. These classes often include props like chairs for extra support, and they typically move slower than traditional classes, so you’ll have the time you need to get situated in a pose before you have to transition to the next one. 2. Natural Pain ReliefWhether you suffer from arthritis-related pain or are in need of plantar fasciitis treatment, yoga can help. The movements practiced in yoga help to lubricate the joints, which improves mobility and flexibility. The more mobile you are, the less pain you’ll experience in your joints and muscles as you go about your day. Yoga can also improve your posture and make standing up straight much easier. 3. Increased Bone and Muscle StrengthYoga is considered a weight-bearing exercise, meaning that it requires you to stand on your feet (at least some of the time). When you’re standing, your bones and muscles have to work together to fight gravity and keep you standing upright. Exercises like walking, jogging, and playing tennis are also weight-bearing exercises. However, they can be too intense for some people, especially those who haven’t exercised in a long time. One of the many benefits of yoga for senior citizens is the fact that the movements are gentle on the joints. Yoga is a great option for seniors who want to strengthen their muscles and bones in a low-impact way while also preventing fractures and conditions like osteoporosis. Weight-bearing exercises like yoga also help seniors manage their weight. This is a crucial step in preventing a number of conditions, including heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and arthritis. 4. Reduced Blood PressureHypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is known to contribute to heart disease and kidney disease. To combat the oxidative stress that causes high blood pressure, seniors can practice yoga regularly. Recent studies show that the calming aspects of a regular yoga practice can fight this stress by helping seniors strengthen their antioxidant defenses. 5. Better Mental HealthIn addition to all the physical benefits of yoga, it also comes with a number of mental benefits that can’t be ignored.
Yoga encourages mindfulness and naturally lowers the body’s fight-or-flight response, making it a useful tool for preventing anxiety. The calm, restorative nature of yoga -- coupled with the supportive classroom environment -- can also help ward off feelings of depression, something many seniors experience as they age. Yoga is a great exercise option for seniors who want to feel better both physically and mentally. Check out a class near you today to start reaping all the benefits yoga has to offer. A little more than 20 percent of American adults currently suffer from arthritis, and that number is expected to increase to 26 percent by 2040. If you suffer from arthritis and want to minimize its effects by building strength and improving your mobility, try out these three tools today. Therapy Putty If your arthritis has weakened and limited your mobility in your hands, you may want to give therapy putty a try. Of all the tools available to people with arthritis, therapy putty is one of the lesser-known options. Many people even ask, “does therapy putty work?” The short answer is that, yes, it does work. Therapy putty comes in a variety of resistances to help people improve their fine motor skills and grip strength. It’s often used for stroke victims in occupational therapy, but people with arthritis can also benefit from it. Balance BoardBalance training has been proven to work wonders for people with osteoarthritis. It improves mobility and stability and also helps decrease joint pain. A balance board is a simple tool that helps you take your balance exercises to the next level. If you’re comfortable standing on one leg or doing exercises like squats, adding a balance board can give you the extra challenge you need to keep progressing. Simply stand on the board and practice balancing on one leg or doing your regular squats (with good form, of course). Resistance BandsStrength training is essential for everyone, including those who suffer from arthritis. Strength training improves balance and mobility while encouraging good posture and minimizing bone loss. If you’re not comfortable using weights or don’t have access to a gym, you can use resistance bands and resistance tubes to strength train from the comfort of your own home. Resistance bands are great for both isometric and isotonic exercises and can easily be stored in a closet or cupboard. You can even take them with you on the road, so you can still get your workouts in while traveling. Before you start using resistance bands in your workouts, inspect them carefully to make sure there aren’t any cracks or rips that could cause them to tear during an exercise. Final ThoughtsAny one of these three tools will make a great addition to your daily strength-building routine. If you haven’t established a strength-building routine yet, use these tools to help you start one!
Every year, thousands of seniors die from fall-related injuries. Many of these potentially lethal falls take place in the bathroom, particularly when seniors are entering or exiting the shower or bathtub. If you have a senior coming to visit or live with you, or you’re a senior who currently lives alone, these tips will help you keep your bathroom as safe as possible. 1. Install Grab BarsA grab bar is a tool that provides seniors with something to hold onto while they’re getting in and out of the bathtub. Grab bars are meant to hold more weight than a typical towel bar, so they’re secure and won’t snap off while being used. Look for a bar that is slip resistant and comes in a color that contrasts with the bathroom walls. It needs to be easy to spot, even if someone isn’t wearing their glasses. Grab bars can be attached to the wall with suction cups or bolts. Suction cup varieties may be more affordable, but it’s typically recommended to spend a little more to get one that can be mounted to the wall for extra security and safety. 2. Buy a Shower ChairSeniors who have trouble maintaining their balance while standing can benefit greatly from a shower chair. Even if they don’t need to sit the whole time they’re showering, the chair gives them peace of mind knowing they have the option to sit if they feel weak or dizzy. Look for shower chair that has rubber tips on its legs. This will prevent the chair from sliding when someone sits down or stands up. Some chairs look just like a regular stool or kitchen chair. These are fine for seniors who don’t have issues getting in and out of the shower by themselves. Other chairs come with one side that’s longer than the other. This longer side acts similar to a grab bar and provides extra stability for people getting in and out of the shower. 3. Make Washing Up EasierIt’s also important to invest in tools that make the process of bathing as simple as possible for seniors. A shower caddy positioned at arm’s height makes it easy for seniors to reach items like shampoo and soap as they need them, without having to stoop or stretch. Like the grab bar, it’s better to buy a caddy that can be mounted on the wall so it doesn’t accidentally get knocked down. You can also install dispensers for shampoo and body wash so that seniors don’t have to worry about bottles or bars of soap slipping out of their hands mid-use. A back scrubber can also help seniors avoid having to bend over or stretch while showering. For seniors, the best body brush for showers will have a long handle and a soft brush or loofah that won’t irritate the skin. It doesn’t take a lot of work to make your bathroom a safe place for seniors. These four simple tips will make a world of difference. 4. Use Non-Slip MatsNon-slip mats are essential for both in and outside of the tub or shower. Place one on the floor of the tub, as well as in front of the tub, in front of the toilet, and in front of the sink. These are places where seniors are most likely to fall while in the bathroom.
When shopping for non-slip mats, be sure to look for ones that have rubber on the bottom to prevent slipping and sliding. You may also want to buy mats that contrast with the color of the floor and shower so that seniors know where to step when they finish bathing. When it comes to plastic surgery, many people question whether they are too old for liposuction, otherwise referred to as lipo. Whilst some people believe that they are too old for liposuction, it is important to keep in mind that plastic surgery has no age limit. Whilst you will need to ensure you meet all the necessary health requirements in order to undergo surgery, whether you undergo treatment or not is entirely your choice. So, are you ever too old for liposuction? Find out below! The RequirementsWhilst you are never too old for liposuction, when it comes to plastic surgery for seniors, just like any individual seeking treatment, it is paramount that you meet the requirements. Due to there being such a high risk associated with certain types of surgery, when it comes to undergoing plastic surgery, it is paramount that you are in good health. By definition, good health is: “A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” In addition to this, you should have no uncontrolled medical conditions present such as:
Your ExpectationsWhilst you are never too old for liposuction or many other plastic surgery procedures for that matter, it is vital that you have realistic expectations for the treatment you’re undergoing in order to avoid disappointment not getting the results you desire. When it comes to having realistic expectations, you must consider your age and how this might affect the outcome of the treatment. Regardless of your age, it vital to consider that you may not get the exceptional results a family member or friend received. This is because each individual’s body will react differently to the next, and thus it might not have as great an impact on your body. The ResultsOnce you have confirmed that you meet the requirements required to undergo liposuction and have clear expectations, you must know that even though liposuction may remove unwanted excess fat, the procedure may not provide the degree of skin tightening you desire or thought you was going to receive. Seniors that undergo plastic surgery, specifically liposuction, may experience sagging skin as older skin does not have the ability to retract as well as youthful skin. If you are simply seeking to remove undesirable fat from the abdominal area, a tummy tuck may be a more effective solution for you as opposed to undergoing liposuction. The Bottom LineAre you ever too old for liposuction? The answer is no. Providing you meet all the requirements and
do not have any underlying medical conditions, such as heart disease, we say go ahead with the treatment! However, it is paramount to keep in mind that you may not get the optimum results, which is why it is important to have realistic expectations before you head into surgery. Nevertheless, your surgeon will provide you with the best advice, and we thoroughly recommend speaking to your doctor prior to arranging your cosmetic surgery, as they will be able to point you in the right direction and ensure your safety. What do you think – are you ever too old for liposuction? Whether your teeth are in perfect condition, or are in need of a little TLC, there’s no denying that dentistry and what we know about our oral health as a whole is constantly expanding. From technological advances that make a whole range of methods available, from on-the- spot x-rays, to the best dental implants Turkey has to offer, the industry is growing – but that doesn’t mean we should stop caring for our teeth. As we age, ensuring that we practice good dental hygiene is paramount to preserving our teeth, but the question is – how exactly do we do that? That’s where we’re here to help. To find out more, why not read on? 1. Use An Electric ToothbrushOf all the advances in dental care that we have seen, the electric toothbrush has to be one of the best and most effective of them all. It may surprise you, but over 99% of all patients aren’t aware how to brush properly, no matter how much experience we all gain brushing twice every day of our lives. With the electric brush, it essentially does the work for us and even makes brushing for the full two minutes a piece of (proverbial) cake! Using an electric brush can ensure that you are reaching all the right places, and spots that might be difficult to reach accurately with a manual brush, so it might be time to invest! 2. Educate Yourself On Dental HygieneIn general, having some idea of what proper dental hygiene is and what you need to aim for is a great way of preparing your teeth for a long, healthy life. Nowadays, small cavities can be re- calcified, for example, and strong doses of fluoride can even lead to the rebuilding of enamel. While these are amazing options in dentistry, being able to spot when you’re getting small cavities will help you catch them early so that these options are, well, options! It’s also important to keep on top of your fillings and crowns – they need to be looked at every eight years, and even replaced! There is plenty of information regarding what you need to do, and a trip to the dentist can tell you all you need to know about your teeth and what you really need to keep an eye on. 3. Use A Night Guard If You Grind Your TeethGrinders, or people that clench their jaw or grind their teeth in their sleep, are at increased risk of tooth-damage. In fact, they can wear away a millimetre of tooth every year! That and the pressure on your jaw from grinding can also cause bone loss issues too. While some grinders may not realise that they grind, most do, and so if you know for a fact that you are one of them, why not invest in a night guard? As unattractive as you may feel, they will work wonders for saving your teeth! 4. Choose The Right DentistThe dentist you visit will play a huge role in the state of your teeth over time. After all, your dentist is the one who will care for your teeth if it all starts to go wrong. Make sure that the dental surgery you visit is up to date with the technology available, and that he or she is knowledgeable in what it is they can do to help you. They need to be looking after you, and if you don’t feel like they are doing that well enough, it might be time to find another dentist! 5. Find The Right Routine For YouWhile there are standard dental routines that we are taught to follow, we can adjust the routines
and regimes we follow to suit us and our teeth. There are better oral care products on the market now than ever before, and we can cater the toothpaste, mouthwash, floss and even toothbrushes that we use to match our teeth-types. Whether you’re cavity prone, sensitive, easily stained or have bad gums, there are options out there to suit your needs, so shop around and see what works best for you! Lack of awareness on various diseases makes it hard for those ailing to seek the appropriate treatment. It is unfortunate that due to this, some people end up losing their lives due to diseases that could have been cured had they been addressed early. As with other crippling illnesses, there are quite a number of people with Fibromyalgia who do not know that they are suffering from it or even how to manage it. This article provides a brief overview of this condition. What is Fibromyalgia?Fibromyalgia refers to a syndrome that is related to chronic arthritis. The affected individual experiences a combination of symptoms that might characterize widespread tenderness and muscle pain. This condition does not qualify as a joint disease since it does not include damage or inflammation to the tissues, muscles, or joints. Nevertheless, it has a close link to arthritis. Different people experience different symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Some complain of excessive fatigue while others only experience widespread pain. Symptoms of Fibromyalgia Although it is not easy to detect Fibromyalgia without carrying out the necessary tests, the following are some of the common symptoms:
Causes of FibromyalgiaAt the moment, there are no known causes of Fibromyalgia. Nevertheless, several theories exist. Here are some of the present beliefs in regards to the causes of Fibromyalgia:
Problems in transmission of pain: The central nervous system is tasked with the responsibility of transmitting pain signals within the human body. In the event that the chemicals used in the signals’ transmission are altered the affected individual experiences a period of high levels of pain. Imbalances in chemicals: When an individual has lower levels of serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline in the central nervous system, they are likely to suffer from sleep, appetite, and mood problems. Sleep problems: Other researchers have shown that the failure to have deep sleep can be a primary cause of Fibromyalgia as opposed to just a symptom. Fibromyalgia is a serious problem that can have adverse impacts on your health and affect your daily activities. It is advisable to look out for the symptoms of this condition. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it is recommended that you seek help for Fibromyalgia from a qualified physician.
The Types of Lift Chairs
There are three types of lift chairs you can choose from, each with its own benefits.
The first is the two-position lift chair. It is ideal for watching TV or reading. It will provide the option of a 45º recline, and the footrest will flip up. However, the design is made for the casual user, so the backrest will not work independently of the footrest. The advantage of the two-position chair is that it does not occupy as much space as the other two types. While it is comfortable and helpful, it is not suitable for people who need more support. The three-position lift chair has the benefit of reclining almost all the way. It is the best choice for people who want to replace their regular recliner. The backrest does not operate independently of the footrest, but unlike the two-position chair, the occupant can easily use it for naps and relaxing. Some models even have special features, like massaging and heating, which make the three-position chair ideal for seniors.
The infinite position lift chair, on the other hand, is everything you would want in a lift chair. First of all, two motors allow the footrest and the backrest to operate independently of each other. The occupant can decide which position is most comfortable. The infinite position chair was designed for people who would spend most of their days in it, which is why a variety of positions is needed. Individuals who suffer from hypotension will benefit a great deal from this chair, as they can sit in the Trendelenburg position. The point is that you can sit in it however you like. After all, it is called an infinite position lift chair. These too come with different features like massage and heating, and some even provide a sleeping mattress.
The Weight of the Occupant
Occupant weight is another aspect that you must take into consideration. Most models can hold a person who weighs 300 pounds. However, if the occupant is heavier than that, you need to read the fine print and make sure that the lift chair can hold that much weight. Otherwise, the motor (or motors) will not handle it.
The Height of the Occupant
Occupant height is particularly important because of the exit strategy and because the lifting must be executed in the safest way possible. It’s all about the distance a chair needs to lift off of the ground. A lift chair that was designed to lift a person who measures over six feet will require a higher lift than the one that was designed for a five-feet tall person.
A Lift Chair is an Investment so Choose Wisely
We understand that fabrics and colors are important for your comfort and aesthetic tastes. For example, some fabrics are more soft, durable, and easier to clean. However, please keep in mind that functional concerns can, like the ones mentioned above, bear more importance than just what a lift chair looks like. This is why choosing a lift chair should not be done in haste. Take your time and choose the best possible lift chair considering all the criteria we have discussed.... and get ready to enjoy your new investment!.
*Retired Brains does not offer lift chairs for sale, nor do we recommend any one particular type or brand of lift chair to our readers. Like any investment you make, we highly recommend researching the brand, cost and any other factors relating to your purchase, in order to ensure you have chosen the product that best meets your needs.
The image used in this article was created by Ted Kerwin and no alterations were made.
What is Bridge?
The Benefits of Playing BridgeHere at Retired Brains, we love helping you find activities that add value to your life. This includes leisurely pursuits that keep you socially active and mentally sharp. In this spirit, we are going to discuss the benefits of playing bridge, in order to help you decide if bridge might be a good activity to partake in. Some of the many benefits of playing bridge include:
Now, it is no secret that playing bridge is akin to mental gymnastics. In this regard, stimulating your brain regularly is believed to be an important component in warding off diseases including Alzheimer’s and Dementia. However, boosting immunity to ward off illness was not necessarily considered to be one of the benefits of playing bridge until the early 2000’s, when Professor Marian Diamond (no pun intended!) undertook an experiment at the University of California Berkeley with 12 ladies in their 70’s and 80’s. Professor Diamond began by taking a blood sample from each lady, and then had the group play bridge for 90 minutes. After that, she took blood samples again. She found that 8 of the 12 ladies had increased levels of T Cells in their bodies as a result of play. T Cells, of course, are used by the human body to fight infection. Professor Diamond’s hypothesis, that using the dorsolateral cortex of the brain by playing bridge can boost the immune system, was proven correct. Isn’t that neat? What is more, advances in modern technology mean you do not even need to leave the comfort of your home to enjoy the benefits of playing bridge! Why Play Online Bridge?![]() Bridge is a natural game of choice for retirees, because retirement allows you to have more time on your hands to enjoy leisurely pursuits. For example, duplicate bridge typically allows for 7-8 minutes per hand, with anywhere from 22-26 hands per session. This means one session can take almost 3.5 hours to complete! Some people enjoy leaving the house to play bridge in community clubs.
If you choose to play online bridge, you can rest assured that your mental sharpness will still benefit from the strategy, deduction, concentration and visualization required. Furthermore, many online bridge sites have a ‘chat’ function, which means you are able to communicate with your partner and other players in live-time. This allows you to experience meaningful social interactions, and even make some new friends in the process. Another benefit, should you choose to play online bridge, is that many platforms are open for play 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. So unlike a community hall with set hours of play, if you choose to play online bridge, you can do so whenever you wish! Playing Online with the Funbridge Download![]() Retired Brains has found a fun, interactive and easy-to-use online bridge platform called Funbridge. Funbridge is an established bridge site that connects bridge players from all over the world. Funbridge has individual games, as well as many different kinds of tournaments you can participate in. To use Funbridge, you need to sign up for an account and download their free, easy-to-use application program for your desktop computer, laptop or mobile device. Once you sign up, you will automatically receive 100 free ‘deals’. You can use these free deals to help you decide if playing online bridge is the right fit for you. If you decide that it indeed is, you can purchase monthly packages, including unlimited play. Please visit the Funbridge website to learn more, and to see if their platform is right for you. No matter what leisurely pursuits you choose to partake in, we hope this article helps you find stimulating, meaningful activities that are right for you...and that add tremendous value to your retirement years! *The purpose of this article is to provide helpful information that allows you to make an informed decision as to whether or not playing online bridge is right for you. As with any online or in-person gaming platform, you should always do your research to make sure you understand the terms, conditions, costs and any other stipulations associated with membership. If you have any questions about the Funbridge platform specifically, we recommend contacting them directly. Image Credit: The image of British nobility playing bridge is used with the permission of Creative Commons licensing, and is courtesy of the MCAD Library. The image was originally created by Charles Dana Gibson in 1903 for Collier’s Weekly.
Worry not! You don’t have to be reading War and Peace every day to get your brain the exercise it needs to stay sharp. Try these 10 fun activities and hobbies instead:
How will you embrace the freedom of retirement? Start with finding fun, engaging hobbies that vitalize your brain and help you stay active!
As grandparents, we want to help our grandkids make all the right decisions in life. You may sometimes feel like you are powerless to do so for a variety of reasons, but there are still positive effects that you can have on these younger relations. Stay Close, Regardless of Distance ![]() You might feel like you are too far away from your grandkids, either with a large location gap or with the distance between your generations. These shouldn’t be a factor when it comes to making a connection though, as you can still relate to your grandkids on a personal level. At the end of the day, you are their family and they can turn to you when they need to. As a grandparent, you can bridge the gap between parents and their kids, as they can see their parents as stricter and more reactive to these kinds of things. As someone slightly removed from the situation, you can provide balance and show kids that their parents have a side too. There’s nothing better than a listening ear after an argument, you can even offer them a place to stay to cool off. Create a Non-Judgmental RelationshipIf you cultivate a good relationship with your grandchild, then you will naturally be someone that they can turn to. Because you’re not the authority figure that they are around most often, in most cases, you can shed light on situations and be a person that they can turn to. When it comes to a drug addiction, having that support there can prevent a lifetime of problems. Provide Information and Advice ![]() It’s not just hard drugs that you can help your grandkids with, you can provide information about stimulant abuse and the effect this can have on their health. Stimulant addiction treatment is becoming more popular because of grandparents, parents and even kids themselves realizing their dependence on things like caffeine and alcohol. If you think they have a serious problem, then you can always pass over details of an addiction treatment center that they could look into. Identifying these kinds of problems is half the battle, especially if the grandchild is having a difficult time at home. They could be in serious need of time in an addiction treatment center but just not know who to reach out to. This is not the situation that you want them to be in, as it’s a slippery slope towards drug abuse. Step into Family Life When Needed![]() It has been shown in numerous studies that those who have close relations that they can turn to will be statistically less likely to fall prey to abusing substances. Family counseling can even help to address the root of these problems and figure out why they are occurring in the first place. You can advise your children and in laws about any potential problems and give them advice that comes from an impartial place. They can spend so long attempting to police the behavior of their child that they may not realize their own failings. The main job of a grandparent is to listen, no matter what the scenario. If you create a safe space for your grandkids to discuss everything that they have going on. Don’t judge or make them feel like they don’t want to come back to you for more advice. In many cases, you don’t even need to give advice if it is unwanted, you can just provide an outlet for any frustrations and a place to talk. We’re facing an epidemic when it comes to battling drug addiction, anything you can do to help your grandkids is a positive step. Just be there for them and you’ll be ready to help when needed. Retired Brains does not offer drug rehabilitation programs, or substance abuse counseling. Rather, we strive to provide you with educative information that can add value to your life, as well as the lives of your loved ones. if you or a loved one is experiencing substance abuse issues, we recommend consulting a professional for help immediately. |
July 2024