It's never too early to start investing in yourself and your future. Most people think that it isn't possible to really start to build a portfolio until they are more financially settled, but that's not always the case. When you think in terms of the long game, there are many advantages to starting to invest early. You never know when the unexpected can happen, and having a nest egg to fall back on if you need it is a lifesaver at any age. If you are just starting out on your own, buying a new home, or starting a family, you are probably already thinking about your financial future. You can start with little or no money as not all investments in your future will cost you cash out of pocket. Taking out a life insurance policy or setting up auto-savings on your account can help you put aside money a bit at a time for when you need it. Take a look at some of the ways that you can start to invest in yourself today. Life InsuranceIf you want to protect your home and your family, it might be time to take out an insurance policy. Make sure that your loved ones are financially supported if the worst happens. When you choose a whole life policy, your monthly policy fees will accumulate into a cash value that you can borrow against one day or have diverted into an investment portfolio. EducationThere is no better investment in yourself than finishing or expanding your education. Increase your base salary by finally getting your degree or take further training that can advance you in your career. Auto-SavingsWork with your back to come up with some easy and innovative ways to start building your savings account. You can set up a balance top-up on your debit card so that each time you make a purchase, you can "round up" the balance and have the excess transferred right into your account. For example, if you make a purchase for $17.50, you can set it so that your card will be rounded up to $20.00, and the overage of $2.50 will be diverted directly into your savings. It's a great way to put a little aside in your savings while you are spending money. 401kIf your workplace provides a 401k program, you can start saving right away. Take advantage of the discounted savings and your company contributions to get a great jump on your retirement savings. Mutual FundsIf you are new to the investing game and aren’t sure where to put your money, you might want to talk to your financial advisor about getting into mutual funds. These are specially constructed portfolios that have a variety of investments that you can fund as a single transaction.
The earlier you start actively investing in your future, the better off you will be if ever you run into financial problems. Having a nest egg to fall back on isn't just for people that are nearing their retirement age. When you start making savings a simple part of your budgeting routine, you can painlessly put money aside to invest where you like for your future.
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July 2024